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programs & classes
motzei shabbos

Father/Son learning with pizza and story


Winter - 7:00 PM or 2 hours after candle lighting


monday & wednesday

Gemara Brachos with Rav Yehuda Finkel

8:45-9:45 PM

Mishna Berurah with Rabbi Zecharia Tokar

9:10-9:50 PM


Navi with Rabbi Aharon Gerstein

10:00-11:00 a.m.


Daf Yomi with Rav Nesanel Kostelitz shlita

11:00 AM - Noon

tuesday & thursday

Rav Mordechai Weiskopf
9:10-9:50 PM



monday thru thursday

Daf Yomi with Rav Nesanel Kostelitz shlita

Noon - 1:00 PM

Parsha with Kollel staff

1:45-2:45 PM


Daf Yomi with Rav Nesanel Kostelitz shlita

11:00 AM - Noon

thursday night

Chumash in Depth with Rabbi Simcha Baer
10:10-11:00 PM

friday night/shabbos

Father/Son learning with cholent or ices


Winter - 3 hours after candle lighting.

Summer - 4:40-5:30 PM

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